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Community member presumed positive for coronavirus

March 27, 2020

A Bowdoin community member is presumed to have the coronavirus (COVID-19) and three students were in contact with another individual during spring break who tested positive for the virus, according to emails sent by President Clayton Rose.

The community member’s test results had not come back as of Thursday afternoon, wrote Senior Vice President for Communications and Public Affairs Scott Hood in an email to the Orient.

The individual, who is presumed positive is currently under a doctor’s care, is self-isolating at home and has not been on campus since March 17. Rose wrote that the College has been in communication with the individual to “document their movements on campus prior to that date” and will “immediately notify anyone known to have been in contact with this person.”

Hood declined to specify how many people the community member came into contact with, but wrote that those individuals were “provided with guidance recommended by health officials.”

Rose explained that the three other students have not been tested but are presumed to have contracted the virus. They are currently self-isolating outside of Maine. He added that none of these students have been on campus or in Brunswick since coming in to contact with the virus.


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