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Senior and first-year class council election results

September 30, 2019

In an email to the Orient on Sunday evening, Vice President of Bowdoin Student Government Arein Nguyen ’21 announced the results of the class council elections for the classes of 2020 and 2023. Eighty-six votes were cast in the senior class council election, representing approximately 17 percent of the class. In total, 322 first years voted, approximately 64 percent of the class, but not all voters voted in each contest.

Voting in both elections began at 8 a.m. Friday and ended 8 p.m. Sunday. Where applicable, the elections were governed by ranked-choice voting.

Only two candidates ran in the senior class council election, one each for president and programming director. In the presidential race, Angel Ramirez ’20 received 61 votes, while the remaining 25 votes were cast for “Blank Dot.” Jane Chang ’20 was elected programming director with 74 votes, and 12 votes were cast for “Blank Dot.”

There were no candidates for vice president or treasurer in the senior class election. These positions will be appointed by the president and programming director, wrote Nguyen in an email to the senior class.

In the Class of 2023 election, there were seven candidates for president, three for vice president, three for treasurer and two for programming director. In races where no candidate received a majority in the first round, the candidate who received the fewest votes was eliminated, and that candidate’s votes were redistributed to the remaining candidates.

President—Class of 2023
Round 1:
Aoguzi Muhameiti: 78
Ala’a Alattiyat: 65
Katharine Barrett: 65
Ethan Albers: 44
Boris Ardemasov: 38
Tony Liu: 20
Zubin Kenkare: 11

Round 2:
Muhameiti: 79
Alattiyat: 67
Barrett: 66
Albers: 47
Ardemasov: 40
Liu: 22

Round 3:
Muhameiti: 84
Barrett: 74
Alattiyat: 69
Albers: 52
Ardemasov: 42

Round 4:
Muhameiti: 93
Barrett: 87
Alattiyat: 79
Albers: 62

Round 5:
Muhameiti: 113
Barrett: 110
Alattiyat: 98

Round 6:
Muhameiti: 167—Winner
Barrett: 154

Vice President—Class of 2023
Rory Delvin: 183—Winner
Pranay Singh: 82
Jackson Hanson: 57

Treasurer—Class of 2023
Round 1:
Ethan Barnard: 120
Ryan Kovarovics: 104
Jackson Coyle: 94

Round 2:
Barnard: 166—Winner
Kovarovics: 151

Programming Chair—Class of 2023
Eliot Small: 162—Winner
Khushi Patel: 160



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One comment:

  1. Atalay Kesli says:

    Congratulations Aoguzi, PCSS is so proud of you!

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