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Baseball team finds its groove, enters weekend match-up with wins

April 26, 2019

With so many festivities planned for Ivies Weekend, it is easy for sporting events to fall through the cracks. But because of the baseball diamond’s proximity to Farley Field House, it has become a tradition for students to frequent the team’s games between headliner acts. This year, the Polar Bears (5-19-1) will be taking on Amherst on Amherst in a three-game series.

Head Baseball Coach Michael Connolly appreciates fan support and realizes what they add to the dynamic of the game, especially during Ivies.

“A big crowd will converge on the field, [which] makes it a fun atmosphere for the guys to play in,” said Connolly. “Either way, we’ll certainly have crowd support down there and it will be a lot of fun.”

Though the baseball team has struggled this season, Connolly isn’t focused on past wins or losses.

“Our approach, for the most part, is to worry about ourselves,” he said. “When you play really good baseball, you make the opponent irrelevant.”

Playing good baseball includes getting ahead in the counts, something the Polar Bears have struggled with this year. But the problems haven’t been limited to pitching.

“From a defensive side, we need to make sure that we handle the ball, that we’re not only physically alert but mentally aware and making good decisions with the ball,” said Connolly. “Offensively, we just need to grind. We have to make sure that we’re aggressive.”

Although the team has faced its difficulties, Connolly believes that this upcoming series could be an opportunity to shift momentum.

“What we’re trying to do as a program is learn how to win,” said Connolly. “Learn how to be successful [and] consistently do the right things.”

The team will play Amherst at 4 p.m. today and 12 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. tomorrow at Farley.


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