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Asian heritage month guest comedian criticized for offensive language

April 19, 2019

A stand-up comedy routine performed by Fumi Abe on Thursday night in Kresge Auditorium was met with criticism for offensive and racist language. Abe’s show was sponsored by the Asian Students Alliance (ASA) and the Student Center for Multicultural Life as part of Asian Heritage Month.

Abe’s jokes included derogatory comments towards women, such as a joke that people would only listen to women in politics who are attractive, according to several students present at the event. He also put audience members on the spot, asking personal questions about their sexual histories.

After the show, ASA published an apology on social media and sent an email to ASA members denouncing the performance.

“The comedian does not reflect how ASA believes we should recognize and honor Asian Heritage Month. His words, behavior, and performance should not be considered representative of the Asian and Asian American communities,” the apology read. “We will work harder in the future to review speakers and bring performers who can contribute to a productive and inclusive dialogue. We will be sure to do intensive research on who we bring to campus in the future.”


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One comment:

  1. Lauren Taylor says:

    You need to be aware of what comedy is before you book someone. You’re way too sensitive and will have a rude awakening when you enter the real world.

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