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Mckesson ’07 lands book deal

February 16, 2018

Civil rights activist and educator DeRay Mckesson ’07 announced on Wednesday that he has signed his first book deal with Viking Books. His book, “On the Other Side of Freedom: The Case for Hope” will be released on September 4.

In a press release, Viking described the book as “a visionary’s call to take responsibility for imagining, and then building, the world we want to live in.” Mckesson will draw on his experience as school administrator, activist and organizer to offer a reflection on resistance and justice and a roadmap for continued action. The book is currently available for preorder.

According to Viking, the book “offers a new framework and language for understanding the nature of oppression” and “lays out the intellectual, pragmatic political framework for a new liberation movement.”

In an interview with Buzzfeed News, a spokesperson for Viking said that the bidding process for publishing rights of Mckesson’s book was highly competitive with 17 bidders vying to publish his book.

Mckesson gained national prominence in 2014 for his participation in and leadership of protests in Ferguson, Mo. after the shooting of Michael Brown.

He currently hosts a weekly podcast titled “Pod Save the People,” which has featured a variety of prominent guests including Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez and Piper Kerman, author and producer of “Orange is the New Black.”



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