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Highlight Reel for Dec. 1

December 1, 2017

Squashing the Camels: The men’s and women’s squash teams came back from losses against Bates to beat Connecticut College 8-1 and 5-4 respectively on Sunday. All players in the top five positions on the men’s team gave Bowdoin points, contributing to Bowdoin’s ranking of 27th in the nation. The women’s team also did extremely well, with Lindsey Bindra ’20 securing the win in the No. 1 spot. The team is ranked 24th in the nation.

Receiving honors: Seventy-six fall athletes were recognized in All-Sportsmanship and All-Academic honors by NESCAC. Men’s cross country runner Naphtali Moulton ’19, women’s cross country runner Martha Boben ’19, football player Tyler MacNeil ’18, and women’s soccer player Emily Pawlak ’19 were recognized with both honors. In order to be recognized as an All-Sportsmanship honoree, athletes have to demonstrate a commitment to sportsmanship, while to receive All-Academic honors, athletes have to maintain a 3.40 GPA.

Puck off: The women’s hockey team kicked off its season with the Colby series on Nov. 17 and 18, resulting in a 3-2 win and a 3-3 tie. In both games, Bowdoin edged Colby in shots on goal. Maureen Greason ’18 was named NESCAC Women’s Hockey Player of the Week after scoring three goals over the course of the weekend, including the game-tying goal on Saturday.

Best of the northeast: Multiple Polar Bears were named First Team All-Region honorees for fall athletics: men’s soccer players Stevie Van Siclen ’18, Riley Bubb ’18 and Moctar Niang ’19; women’s soccer players Nikki Wilson ’18 and Julia Patterson ’19; and field hockey players Kara Finnerty ’20, Elizabeth Bennewitz ’19 and Juliana Fiore ’18 all received recognition. They will now be in competition for All-American honors.



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