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Ammunition belonging to student found in Smith Union

September 29, 2017

Last Thursday at around 10:30 p.m., a student reported finding a fully loaded, 9mm, 15 round gun clip under a chair on the third floor of David Saul Smith Union to the Office of Safety and Security. After conducting an investigation, Security was able to determine the clip belonged to a male Bowdoin student who is over 21 years old and is a highly trained EMT, according to the Bangor Daily News.

“This student actually has a permit and is perfectly legal; however, the College has a policy prohibiting weapons on campus and that includes ammunition magazines or clips,” said Randy Nichols, director of the Office of Safety and Security.

After a prompt and thorough investigation, Security determined the gun belonging to the clip was not located on campus.

“The student presented no threat whatsoever and was very cooperative throughout the investigation and we felt comfortable at the end that we had the full story and everything was fine,” said Nichols.

The student in possession of the clip was written up for violating the weapons policy on campus, but Brunswick Police Department was not informed as the student was not violating any laws.

In 2015, Maine officials passed a law to allow constitutional carry—people over 21 years of age are legally able to conceal handguns without a permit.

Following this incident, the College’s weapons policy is under review, according to Nichols. Although it will not change significantly, he said it likely will be updated.

The College does not abide by this law and prohibits the possession and use of weapons and guns on campus property at all times. Weapons include knives, bows and arrows and explosives as well as any other item capable of causing harm to others.


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