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Bowdoin acquires sought-after 28 College Street

September 8, 2017

After a lengthy legal battle, Bowdoin purchased the property at 28 College Street yesterday, the last remaining property on College Street that Bowdoin did not own. The College has not revealed any plans for the property, the selling price of which remains confidential.

In August 2016, the College filed suit against Arline P. Lay, the property’s former owner, claiming that she failed to uphold a 1996 agreement that gave Bowdoin the right to purchase the property before any other buyers, should Lay choose to sell the property. In April 2017, the Cumberland County Superior Court ruled in Bowdoin’s favor, paving the way for the present purchase and sale agreement.

Despite the legal complications, Lay and her family responded positively to the sale.

“The result [of the purchase and sale agreement] is both reasonable and fair to our family and we appreciate the College’s willingness to work with us to resolve the matter,” the Lay family said in a press release.


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