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Support the staff

April 27, 2017

This piece represents the opinion of the Bowdoin Orient Editorial Board.

The sun is shining and the tank is clean. Yes, it’s that time of year again—the long awaited Ivies week(end). Droves of students flood Salvo to update their mandatory Ivies uniforms: fanny packs, overalls, velvet track suit, jorts, obnoxiously bright neon… everything. First years get way too hyped, but we’ve all been there. College Houses collect last minute dues because it turns out alcohol costs money. Every champagne supplier in Brunswick rejoices. It’s as much a part of spring as freshly mown grass and allergies.

But, seriously—as we look to enjoy this weekend, it’s important that we all remember that our Ivies celebration is a big privilege. We spend a combined total of $129,500 on concerts, set-up, food, staff overtime, clean up and more.

It’s important to be cognizant of how much this event costs in order to properly appreciate it.

Many members of our campus community drop everything and endure inconveniences to work hard to make this weekend special for students. For us, the biggest inconvenience is having to drag ourselves to class again next Monday.

After Ivies every year, facilities and housekeeping staff members are responsible for cleaning up our mess—the littered beer cans and Solo cups on the Brunswick Quad, the food and used paper plates covering the fields, the vomit in the fieldhouse bathrooms and the sticky champagne floors that cake the common areas of our dorms and houses. You wouldn’t so belligerently leave a mess at home, so don’t do it here.

Dining Services mobilizes an army to set up meal outside the fieldhouse on Saturday and has to deal with much larger rushes of students at the dining halls throughout the weekend as parties die down.

Neighbors around the campus endure the echos of our loud music, students stumbling down their blocks and the litter we leave on their lawns and sidewalks. As part of the Brunswick community, it is our responsibility to be respectful of those who live near us.

Ivies is one of the most difficult times for security. Randy will be sleeping on a cot in his office all weekend with a walkie-talkie next to his bed. Security beefs up staff and makes sure we’re safe while traipsing around campus from one location to ingest alcohol to another.

Each of these these underappreciated members of our community deserve our respect and appreciation, especially during Ivies. Be considerate and do not inconvenience these people by drinking too much, littering or leaving a mess in your living area. Thank your housekeepers, the dining staff, security team and other support staff members and keep doing so even after Ivies is over. These members of our community all work hard to make life at Bowdoin possible and they go above and beyond during Ivies.


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