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2017 Housing Lottery Guide

April 7, 2017

PINE ST. APARTMENTS Lottery Block: 12 Quads (2 singles, 1 double) Pro Tips:
  • Far from campus
  • Close to science/language buildings
  • Has parking
  • Great Safe Ride visibility from inside
  • No neighbors
  • No laundry
SMITH HOUSE (Chem Free) 8 Singles 1 Double Pro Tips:
  • Close to athletic complexes
  • Feels more like a house
  • Full kitchen
  • Has parking
HARPSWELL APARTMENTS Lottery Blocks: 12 Quads (2 singles, 1 double) Pro Tips:
  • Mostly seniors
  • Good party space
  • Far from campus
  • Has parking
  • No laundry
52 HARPSWELL (Chem Free) 7 Singles 12 Doubles 1 Quad Pro Tips:
  • Brand new
  • Used to be a retirement home
  • Far from campus
  • Lots of shared living space (kitchen, living room, porch)
  • Really nice kitchen
  • Across the street from a convenience store
  • Next to the Bowdoin Organic Garden
STOWE HALL 11 Two Bedroom Quints Pro Tips:
  • Have to clean your own bathroom
  • Communal kitchen
  • Elevator
  • Huge rooms
  • Three laundry rooms
  • Good location
  • Mostly sophomores
  • Window seats
HOWARD (Chem Free) 11 Two Bedroom Quads 3 Two Bedroom Quints Pro Tips:
  • Good location
  • Window Seats
  • Large rooms
  • Have to clean your own bathrooms
COLES TOWER 16 Singles 2 Doubles 2 Triples 46 Quads Pro Tips:
  • All single bedrooms (except in the triples)
  • Mostly seniors; some juniors
  • Don't have to go outside to go to Thorne in the winter
  • Just had 50 year anniversary; looks like it
  • Bottom floors just renovated
  • Beware of fire alarms
  • Apartments A and B see the sunset
  • Apartments B and C have quad view
CHAMBERLAIN 46 Singles 29 Doubles 8 Quads Pro Tips:
  • Great location
  • Nice, spacious rooms (quads have private living rooms)
  • Less social than Brunswick, Tower, Harpswell
  • Shared bathrooms
BRUNSWICK APARTMENTS 63 One Bedroom Doubles 25 Two Bedroom Triples Pro Tips:
  • Kitchens
  • Easy shortcut to Farley and Harpswell
  • Thin walls
  • Ivies Brunswick Quad
MAYFLOWER APARTMENTS (Chem Free) 4 One Bedroom Doubles 8 Two Bedroom Triples Pro Tips:
  • Quiet
  • Similar layout to Brunswick but with fewer forced triples
  • Far from campus
  • In a neighborhood
STOWE INN 22 Singles 12 Triples 2 Quints Pro Tips:
  • Good location for a group of friends
  • Close to Maine St.
  • Has parking
  • Far from campus
Hover over buildings on the map to learn more information.

About the Lottery

Lottery Schedule

The Housing Lottery is actually divided into six separate lotteries based on housing types. The Quints lottery occurs immediately before the Quads lottery on April 17 followed by the Chem Free lottery on April 19. On April 21, the Triples lottery is immediately followed by the Singles lottery. Doubles and Open Rooms occur in a unified lottery on April 24. Students may enter as many lotteries as they wish; however, they may have no more than one entry in each lottery and they must withdraw their applications for later lotteries upon accepting a room.

Housing Priority

Each block is awarded “points” based on the class rank of the students within. Each senior is awarded three points, each junior awarded two and each sophomore awarded one. Further, the block is awarded an additional one-tenth point for each student in the block who lived in chem-free housing in their first year. Then, the total is divided by the number of people in the block to yield a score. For example, a triple with two seniors who were chem free their first year and a sophomore who was not would have a score of (3.1 + 3.1 + 1)/3 = 2.4. Within each lottery, students are awarded numbers based on this score; within each score numbers are awarded randomly. For example, blocks with a score of 2.05 are ordered randomly amongst each other, but all of them choose before the blocks with a score of 2. A block with a score of 2.05 would always choose before a block with a score of 2.00. Blocks may send a proxy to choose their room if they are unable to attend the lottery. In the event neither a member of a block nor their proxy attend the lottery, the number is forfeited and the students must enter a later lottery.

Where are you likely to get in?

Fill out the options that best describe your lottery situation. The map will update to show you your housing options and your likelihood of getting each building in the lottery. I am a risingin ablock thatchem-free.

Where's the best place for you?

First, choose your class year.

Being in a building with mostly people in your class.

Having your bathroom cleaned.

Having a kitchen.

Having parking with your building.

Having a quiet living community.

Having a short walk to classes or to campus.

Having laundry in your building.

Having a chem-free living community.

Being close to athletic facilities.

Data collected from last year's lottery results and correlated with information from the Bowdoin Directory. Map illustration originally by Anna Hall.

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