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Cuba Week to celebrate sister city connection

March 31, 2017

This weekend, the Brunswick-Trinidad Sister Association is hosting its 14th annual Cuba Week to recognize the connection between Brunswick and Trinidad, Cuba. Events focus on bringing the Cuban culture, food and history to the town of Brunswick. The Brunswick-Trinidad Sister Association is a non-profit organization spurred by Dwight D. Eisenhower’s sister city initiative, which has facilitated a non-political exchange of culture and ideas between distant communities.

Tonight, the local band Primo Cubano is hosting a dance concert in the Morrell Lounge of David Saul Smith Union at 8 p.m. Primo Cubano recreates classic Cuban son music, a genre defined by its upbeat tempo and mixed Spanish and African roots. Salsa dance lessons will be held before the concert at 7:30.

Tomorrow, a panel of individuals who have visited Cuba will gather to share their experiences at Curtis Memorial Library at 2 p.m. for the event titled “Changing Cuba.” The discussion seeks to highlight the shifting attitudes and culture of Cuba through the perspective of those who have visited.

On Sunday, the film “Return to Cuba: In the Footsteps of Walker Evans” will be shown in the Beam Classroom of the Visual Arts Center at 4 p.m. Evans was a famous photographer from the 1930s who garnered acclaim for his depictions of the Great Depression and took photographs for the film “The Crime of Cuba,” which exposed the corruption and poverty in the country under the dictator Gerardo Machado. The executive producer of the award winning picture, Skip Klein, will also be present to discuss its creation.

In celebration of the week, several local restaurants, including Gelato Fiasco, Wild Oats and the Brunswick Inn, are offering Cuban-inspired dishes. Additionally, Cuban handicrafts and art have been on display at Curtis Memorial Library all of March.

All of the events this weekend are free and open to the public.


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