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Online campaign over women’s health issues comes to campus

March 4, 2017

Students in the Bowdoin MOGUL hub—an online new aggregate for women—are working to bring the group’s #ReadMyLips campaign to the College in an effort to continue the actions ignited by the Women’s March in January.

The project consolidates individuals’ concerns on women’s rights and health issues and will culminate on April 5 when the messages will be sent to President Trump at the White House in a floral sculpture designed by “Saturday Night Live” veterans. Submissions are encouraged from all genders and can range from short poems to original essays.

Felice Chan ’17 brought the grassroots campaign to Bowdoin in 2015, when she met the creator of the site, Tiffany Phan, at a philanthropy conference.There are 24 schools with MOGUL hubs, and Bowdoin is the first NESCAC on its roster.

Chan and three other students founded Bowdoin’s MOGUL hub, but she encourages more students to join. Students can be involved with Bowdoin’s MOGUL hub by posting or sharing content twice a week, Chan said.

“You get to share what you want to share with people all over the world, which is really cool,” Chan said.

MOGUL was founded in 2014 as a monitored technology platform that connected women to articles, videos, products, jobs and discussions. MOGUL’s site displays the top trending items in the world, and users can also tailor the platform’s feeds by following certain users and filtering the types of posts they are shown. Content comes from third party sites, MOGUL writers and original work from users. The site has been read by over 18 million women in 196 countries.

Although much MOGUL media is centered around politics, the #ReadMyLips campaign is the first political action Chan has taken since starting the hub in Fall 2015.

“I’ve never been very politically involved, and I think just because of this new presidency everyone has been more so than previously,” she said. “I never grew up in America—I’m from Hong Kong but came here for college—so [I] always heard about it but was never actually immersed in this environment.”

“I guess this year just really primed my interest in being involved and standing up for what’s right. I mean, [women] make up half of America’s population. We deserve something, right?”

Chan has reached out to other Bowdoin organizations to get involved with spreading word about the campaign, such as The Alliance for Sexual Assault Prevention, but groups are hesitant to take a partisan stance.

Students interested in getting involved can create an account at onmogul.com and make a post with #ReadMyLips in the title.


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