Yoni Ackerman
Number of articles: 4First article: September 17, 2010
Latest article: November 19, 2010
All articles
Faculty of Mind: Dorn teaching, researching education at Bowdoin and beyond
Though his research interests reach far and wide, Associate Professor of Education Charles Dorn has never lost sight of what's going on right here on campus. He is currently writing a book that directly involves Bowdoin and its student body. He describes it as "a larger book project in which I use the history of higher education to trace the decline of American's commitment to the common good over time."
Faculty Research: Scott Sehon
Many students relate Professor Scott Sehon with the unique courses he teaches in the philosophy department: Logic and Intermediate Logic. He is not, however, a logician.
Faculty research focus: Laura Henry
Associate Professor of Government Laura Henry does her research within the broad area of state-society relations in the former Soviet Union. Her interest in this topic, she explains, lies in the enormous puzzle it poses for political scientists as a kind of large-scale human experiment; until 1991 the people of the Soviet Union lived under an authoritarian, single party regime but now, given the regime's collapse and the gains in personal freedom, how will Russian citizens act politically?
Insight into faculty research: Professor Thomas Pietraho
For mathematicians like Professor Pietraho, questions of symmetry are of great theoretical importance and carry far-reaching ramifications in mathematics and beyond.