Talk of the Quad
Hasta la raíz
“Yo te llevo dentro, hasta la raíz
Y por más que crezca vas a estar aquí
Aunque yo me oculte tras la montaña y encuentre un campo lleno de caña
No habrá manera, mi rayo de luna, que tú te …
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“Yo te llevo dentro, hasta la raíz
Y por más que crezca vas a estar aquí
Aunque yo me oculte tras la montaña y encuentre un campo lleno de caña
No habrá manera, mi rayo de luna, que tú te …
After sitting quiet and empty for several months, the former home of Scarlet Begonias in Brunswick Station was bursting with life again on Wednesday night, under new ownership and a new name: Pomelia. Just over a week after opening, nearly …
“Huh, I’m not nervous.”
That’s the first thought that went through Adi Pall-Pareek ’24’s mind as he stood in front of a crowd in a dimly-lit Moulton Main Lounge, tightly gripping Dandiya sticks in his hands. Within seconds, music filled …
Curious about the history of Doc Martens? Wondering what constitutes a “gem tone?” For answers, Avant-Garb (AVG), Bowdoin’s student-run fashion and culture publication, is returning online this week to bring awareness to contemporary fashion, film, food and more.
The publication …