To the Editors: 

Cruelty towards both wildlife and people has no place in Maine. Chasing shy and gentle black bears through their forest home with GPS-collared hounds and then shooting these panicked bears out of a tree is not fair chase hunting; it is persecution. Any decent human being who witnessed a pack of dogs attacking a wounded bear who had been shot out of a tree would realize why Mainers are being asked to put a stop to this cruelty in our forests. 

Bears are intelligent and sensitive beings. To kill them in this way should not be acceptable human behavior. Snaring black bears at a site baited with junk food and then shooting the trapped bear at point blank range is an execution and not true hunting. Baiting itself is nothing more than cheating. There is no challenge in shooting a bear while it is feeding on human junk food—that’s why many other proud hunting states have banned baiting. 

Maine people have a unique opportunity to stop cruelty and injustice in our forests, while still allowing for fair chase hunting. For decency and fairness in the Maine woods, please vote yes on Question 1.

Robert Goldman
South Portland, Maine