To the Editors:
Over the past two months, you’ve probably received an email from me imploring you to come to the People’s Climate March. 

Given the amount of spam you have received, I feel it necessary to give my own motivations for marching in New York.

Roughly two years ago, Hurricane Sandy touched down in lower Manhattan. It knocked out my power and flooded my neighborhood. While I only waited weeks to return to my routine, for many of those close to me, it was months before the healing process even began. 
In the following months family friends would come over in search of reassurance and/or some basic appliance. In these interactions I was given a window into those unthinkable moments of panic, the decisions over which family keepsakes to save and which to part with.

And so, I march to reclaim some sense of ownership over the city that I saw downtrodden in unimaginable ways. I march to raise attention so that we may all bear witness to the damage and pain that Sandy still wreaks, two years on.

Though we cannot directly connect climate change to Hurricane Sandy, the increase in extreme weather events across the nation frightens me. I ask my peers to consider their own stories. While we often view climate change in abstract terms, all of us are inextricably tied to the warming of our planet. 

I’ll be there, President Obama will be there, hundreds of thousands of people will be there. Will you?

Kenny Shapiro ’17