Yes, I've been away. Yes, you've missed me, like Tom Cruise misses Katie Holmes. And that’s a lot, because now he has no one to play with in his Scientology dungeon. 

And did I miss you all? Well, let's just say I missed you about as much as Katie misses Tom, which is probably more than any of us realize. The steady cash flow that comes with being Tom Cruise's wife is more than sufficient to forget anything that comes up during those pesky dungeon games. 

Never underestimate the effects of some good old fashioned Stockholm syndrome: you don't really understand how you got trapped in this strange place, the things you're forced to do seem bizarre at best, but pretty soon things start to seem really fun and you wonder if you've been drugged. Maybe you have, but who cares, it's a party. That's pretty much what coming back to school is like, so even if I didn't miss you, give me a week and I'll never want to leave again. 

Yes, it's been a while, and yet, some things don't change. It is still cold here in Brunswick, and Bean Boots are still a thing, now more than ever.

First, let's talk about the cold. What strikes me more than the frigid air itself is that everyone seems entirely shocked whenever the thermometer dips below the drinking age. No one seems to know what to do when there's a polar vortex or an arctic cyclone or an icecapades typhoon. I remember, in the days before global warming, we just called the darker days of the year "winter," and we weren't all that surprised when the cold rushed in. In other words, it's not colder than it ever was, so for the love of Suri Cruise, keep calm, and stop dressing like you're a Siberian refugee wearing everything you own on a trek from St. Petersburg to Irkutsk. (Fun fact: I know nothing, obviously, about Russian geography. I make no apologies, and refuse to believe that Sochi is a real place.)

If the weather makes you feel like you will pass away if you stop moving, don't let your style suffer. Which brings me back to Bean Boots. 

If ever we needed proof that just because something is popular doesn't mean it's right, we need look no further than the Bean Boot: so popular, so wrong. I'm not just talking about the boots manufactured by the venerable L.L. Bean Company but duck boots of all kinds. Duck boot is the proper name for these things, though no one knows it anymore, and quite apt it is. They do indeed look like a giant duck bill. As a general rule (though rules are meant to be broken), one should not wear garments that look like animal body parts after the age of seven. 

Let me be clear: I do not have a problem with duck boots. They were probably invented for woodsmen and game hunters and lumberjacks and other such people who needed to trudge through heaps of snow and ice to survive. For these people, they are extremely practical. But these people never interact with other human beings, and so they need not worry what they look like. That is not you. Despite your flannel lined pants, you are not a lumberjack. And I can see you.

But, you protest, Bean Boots are practical for me, too. No, no they are not. From the fact that Bean Boots are the collegiate "it" shoe of the past several years, one would think that colleges are full of unplowed snowfields that students must navigate to get to class. But look at any college campus and it is simply not so: there are clear and snow-free paths to anywhere and everywhere you could possibly need to go. You never need to walk in the snow, and so you don't need to wear Bean Boots. Before you even think of saying that Bean Boots keep your feet warm, go outside for a moment in yours and behold: they do not, by any measure, keep your feet warmer than any other shoe, flip flops perhaps excepted.

I might excuse Bean Boots if they were actually practical—even though I loathe practicality—particularly when it comes to footwear. But they are not practical, and are instead thought to be fashionable. They are so darn trendy that it seems no one has bothered to really look at them.

I have a public service announcement: they are extremely ugly. Really, exceptionally horrible looking. They have a special skill for ruining any outfit they are paired with, and accomplish the remarkable feat of making your feet look bloated and malformed. Why anyone would want these things is truly beyond me. 

But it's not just an aesthetic problem. It's not just my eyes that are bleeding, but my ears too. Wearers of Bean Boots magically lose the ability to pick up their feet when they walk, and instead shuffle and drag their feet everywhere. This creates an terrifically loud ruckus, not to mention that it leaves offensive scuffs all over the place. I do not know why Bean Boots prevent you from walking like a human being, but it worries me. Your parents spent many hours teaching you how to walk. Don't let their efforts go to waste. I fear that if people continue to wear the boots, they will lose the ability to take distinct steps altogether. 

I wish that my telling you to take off your Bean Boots would have some effect, but I know it won't. All I want is a world with better shoes. Can't I dream, like Katie dreamed of one day escaping Tom? She got her dream, and maybe, with your help, I can get mine. 

P.S. I'm wearing Bean Boots.