To the Editor:

I would have been satisfied if our meeting with President Mills yielded a commitment to formally consider our proposal to divest Bowdoin’s endowment from fossil fuels. Instead, we left with our heads full of “stay the course” rhetoric.

President Mills doubts the claim of the Aperio Group, an investment management firm that published a report finding that divestment poses virtually no risk to endowment returns. 

I trust these facts, over the profit versus environmental responsibility paradigm, because my Bowdoin education does not accept convention as truth.

Bowdoin, we must criticize ourselves as much as we criticize politicians and corporations. Our institution inexcusably benefits from the common wrong. 

We are connected to all lands and ages by our contributions to global warming. We can change that connection by no longer betting our endowment on CO2.

I love this school, and reaching the $1 billion endowment mark will be important for the future, but I want even more for Bowdoin. By divesting, we can join the City of Seattle, Hampshire College, Unity College, and hopefully the City of San Francisco as a leader in the moral challenge of our time. 

Are these two aims mutually exclusive? We must demand action to know for sure.

Bridgett McCoy ’15