Today marks the publication of the Bowdoin Globalist's inaugural issue. The content was initially published online this Wednesday, though hard copies of the magazine are now available on campus.

This issue of the Globalist, an international affairs magazine with chapters based at other colleges and universities, focuses on "youth in revolt." The magazine's executive staff includes Lauren Speigel '12, Aaron Wolf '12, Gus Vergara '13, Stanton Cambridge '13, and Max Staiger '13.

The "youth in revolt" theme encompasses a variety of topics, including a piece on the Mexican drug war, though many of the articles focus on the Arab Spring.

"There's a lot of content about the Middle East," said Staiger. "Overall, it's about the changes that we're seeing in the global climate."

The Bowdoin Globalist is the newest of 16 Globalist editions published at universities on six continents.

All belong to Global21, which was founded as The Globalist Foundation at Yale University in 2005 thanks to a $50,000 grant from the Yale Entrepreneurial Society. Global21 hopes to reach 17 chapters and 350,000 readers by the end of this year.

According to Vergara, the staff of the Yale Globalist helped the Bowdoin editors to set up the format of the new magazine. The editors hope to print an issue every semester; the current issue is 26 pages long. printed once each semester.

The first issue was originally slated for publication at the end of last semester, but problems with the printer forced a delay of the launch date.

Former Senator and U.S. Special Envoy George Mitchell '54 wrote the forward for the issue.

"He responded and was very open to help," said Staiger. "It was a very unique experience."

Though two members of the staff, Vergara and Cambridge, are abroad this semester, Staiger has high hopes for the second issue of the Bowdoin Globalist, which will focus on economic changes, and how they correspond to the changing political climate.

"We're just starting now...we hope that it comes out before the end of the semester," Staiger said. There will be an informational session for the second issue of The Globalist next Tuesday at 8 p.m. in Hubbard Conference Room West.