Last night beloved graduate and jazz prodigy, Ahmad Hassan Muhammad '10 graced Jack Magee's Pub.

Ahmad Hassan Muhammad '10 approached the keyboard and by the time he and the Jaw Gems played their first song, the Pub was filled with a warm and friendly vibe.

The tracks of the evening were not from his relatively recent jazz-inspired album, but have a heavier hip-hop/funk influence.

That said, both his album and the show are unmistakably from the same musical mastermind, Muhammad, and stressed the importance of improvisation throughout his work.

Since graduating from Bowdoin, he has successfully branched into various genres other than jazz, such as alternative, hip-hop and funk. With inspiration from these genres, he recently released an album entitled "Fly."

Throughout my conversation with Muhammad following the show, friends and students did not cease to meet and greet him.

Creating the strong impression that he was a well-liked and respected student during his time at Bowdoin.

After graduating in 2010, Muhammad raised enough money to tour the U.S. for three months in the Northeast and Midwest.

Muhammad's band toured with his fellow band members consisting of: Tyler Quist on guitar, Andrew Scherzer on bass, and DJ Moore on drums. During his tour, he gives youth from 3rd grade to high school seniors the opportunity to see live jazz.

"It's hard for kids to have access to jazz. Prices, transportation and age make it difficult for children and teens to get the chance to hear jazz" said Muhammad.

Thanks to his concerts and workshops, Muhammad is able to give these teens a glimpse into his world.

Now Muhammad lives in Portland, where he continues to pursue his passion for music.

The tightly knit musical community and artistic culture of Portland is exactly what Muhammad had been looking for in a city.

From the first to the last note, Muhammad's experimental approach to jazz, hip-hop and funk made for a success and enjoyable evening.