To the Editors:

Thank you for including coverage, in Lily Harriman's "Afro-Colombian artist and activist lectures, student ensemble joins in traditional dance," in the February 25 issue of the Orient, of the lecture and dance recital of Julio César Montaño for Black History Month.

As the organizer of the event, I was pleased to find my introduction of Mr. Montaño quoted in the article. Less gratifying was the fact that my name and title were cited in the article as "Director of Chamber Ensembles Roland Vazquez," when in fact I am "Assistant Professor of Music Michael Birenbaum Quintero," a mistake that I can only assume comes from the search for a Hispanic surname on the music department webpage. This kind of journalistic laziness (Ms. Harriman could, after all, have asked me or anyone else in the room my name) reflects poorly on the quality of the nation's oldest continuously published college weekly and, frankly, on the success in certain sectors of the Bowdoin community of such diversity initiatives as Mr. Montaño's visit.


Michael Birenbaum Quintero

Assistant Professor of Music