The 145 students who applied for a position on next year's Residental Life (ResLife) staff received final decisions yesterday afternoon in their mailboxes. With only 71 spots available—33 first year proctors, eight house proctors and 30 residential advisers—this year's application process was the most competitive in the history of the College.
According to Associate Director of Residential Education Ben Farrell, accepted students have until early next week to agree to or refuse their positions, after which the second round of selection will begin. Farrell predicted that ResLife will dip into the pool of alternates, but noted that this group can fluctuate as students selected as alternates have the choice to remain or remove their names from the list.
Farrell said it is "likely" that the full staff will be determined over the next week, though he added that there is always some inevitable movement in the weeks following Spring Break.
Farrell said the hardest part of this year's process was the large array of qualified applicants.
"We [had] enough for two full staffs," he said. "It's a very tough decision."
The application process included both a group and an individual interview, as well as an online application.
"It was pretty extensive," said Allie Frosina '14, who was offered a position as a first year proctor in Maine Hall. Frosina said she plans to accept.
"I've moved a bunch of times, I know the transition process really well, and I wanted to help first years in the transition from high school to college," she said.