"If your vagina got dressed, what would it wear? If your vagina could talk, what would it say?"

If you ever wondered what sort of commentary mysterious vaginas could offer (even if you don't have one) then look no further. Colorful, imaginative and powerful, The Vagina Monologues delivers a diverse, riveting performance.

This year, the thought-provoking show is directed by seniors Morgan Taggart-Hampton, Larissa Gaias, Emily Graham and recent graduate Anna Ausubel '10. While the show features humorous stories about sex and orgasms, it also deals with more serious subjects like rape and sexual assault.

"The monologues in the show range from funny and awkward to serious and upsetting, highlighting the wide range of experiences that women have in their lives with sex, sexuality and relationships," said Ausubel.

Stories include interpretations of good sex, war, rape and domestic abuse, in addition to stories of Haitian women struggling for their rights. According to Taggart-Hampton, the show emphasizes solidarity amongst women.

For the first time in a Bowdoin production of The Vagina Monologues, the show is introduced with a monologue that details personal stories of Bowdoin students, collected by student group SPEAK.

Through its honesty and charm, the show touches on topics that are often considered awkward. The show ranges from lines such as "I own a vibrator. I was sexually assaulted when I was twelve," to fears of having sex, the nuisance of finding one's vagina, and different names for vaginas: pussycat, twat, even mooshmellow.

Some stories include "The Flood," in which an elderly women daydreams of Burt Reynolds and "The Vagina Workshop," which portrays a woman's quest to masturbate.

"At Bowdoin, we hope that the show will act as the forum for a more open and honest dialogue about sex, sexuality and violence," said Ausubel. "We recognize that there are parts of the show that are outdated, controversial, or biased, and we hope that it will spark both personal reflection and open debate."

Bowdoin's chapter of V-Day, an international organization dedicated to ending violence, sponsored this event in order to "bring to light the issues surrounding violence against women around the world," said Taggart-Hampton.

First-time performer and cast member Kailey Bennett '14 said, "It's upsetting to say, but there are Bowdoin students who are survivors of abuse, rape, assault and violence. By being open about these difficult topics, we can look to prevent them. There will be laughing, and maybe some crying, but it's definitely an event to see."

Bennett said she appreciated the show for its sense of community and support.

At the end of the show, audience members are asked to stand up in support of ending sexual violence and this year was no exception. The show leaves audience members feeling strong, proud, and united behind the goal of ending sexual violence.

Through its charismatic and all-encompassing stories, The Vagina Monologues invite, entertain and teach audience members of any age and gender.

The Vagina Monologues, which opened last night, will continue tonight and tomorrow in Kresge Auditorium. Tickets are available at the Smith Union Information Desk for $5 with a Bowdoin ID. Sexual Assault Support Services of Midcoast Maine (SASSMM), a local organization formed to provide services to men and women who are sexually assaulted, will receive 90 percent of the proceeds. Over the past 10 years, over $30,000 has been raised for SASSMM.