The new business of the night at Bowdoin Student Government (BSG) was a discussion of the first year book program's elimination. Last year, the faculty decided to remove the first year book program due to lack of interest.
"The ideals of the program are lost," said Vice President for BSG Affairs Anirudh Sreekrishnan '12. "There used to be more integration within the program. They used to bring authors. The potential is that we can show that we are an intellectual community. What does it say about our school if we get rid of our book?"
According to representatives, in the past the program has been riddled with uninteresting books and "half-hashed" programs.
The most successful programs have been the ones that offered something beyond simply reading the book, notably conversations with authors.
"Oftentimes the books are about someone overcoming adversity," said BSG President John Connolly '11. "Then 10 students and faculty member form discussion panels during orientation week."
BSG Treasuer Kyle Dempsey '11 noted that the first year book program does little more than augment the intensity of Orientation Week.
Dempsey pointed out that in his three years as a first year proctor, he found that "Orientation for students is way too busy," he said. "Adding additional reading and going to reading groups is stressful. They just want to relax. That's why half the kids don't read the books because they just want to settle into the College."
The restructuring of Orientation Week emerged as an effective way to reintroduce the program and lessen the workload of students during Orientation.
"I think ideally you read the book before you [come] to college. Its one hour. You are not working too hard," said At-Large Representative Matthew Spring '13.
"I don't think the right place to start [is] to cut this program. We should not take out the one thing that is an academic community building experience," said At-Large Representative Dani Chediak '13.
Class of 2011 Representative Andrew Baer commented on the difficulty of athletes' schedules during Orientation Week, citing morning practices at 6:30 a.m. and how the current structure of Orientation Week with the first year book makes it unfeasible for athletes to get much out of the program.
"We want to be part of the school [during Orientation Week] and it's almost one step too far," said Baer.
"The choice of the book should be accessible. I think that the goal should have a global perspective rather than interpreting themes or ideas," said Class of 2011 Representative Becca Levin
At the conclusion of the discussion, BSG plans to forward the conversation to the Office of Academic Affairs to provide greater input.