To the Editors:

You know what's awesome about Brunswick? Bowdoin College. Without Bowdoin, what is Brunswick? The recently closed Naval Air Station? No. Maybe a home to Mainers that have lived here for decades? I can't really argue that. However, the point is Brunswick thrives on the presence of Bowdoin College, both financially and culturally. And the most important part of Bowdoin College is its college students, with all their noise, rowdiness, alcohol and general vitality.

Every good—read, loud—party I have been to in the past three years has been busted by Brunswick Police because of a noise complaint from Brunswick residents. An absolutely quiet night is not a privilege for them—it is a right. That's a fact. But access to all of Bowdoin's facilities and resources like good concerts, famous guest speakers and a vibrant intellectual community is a privilege, not a right. As long as Brunswick residents are going to call the police at the smallest hint of a loud party, ruining our good time, I propose that Bowdoin exclude all Brunswick residents from Bowdoin's campus and community. If they don't want us, we don't want them.

While I'm sure Bowdoin's timid administration won't embrace this option, the very least we students can do is hit Brunswick residents financially. Don't shop at Brunswick stores; go to Freeport. Don't eat at Brunswick restaurants; there are better ones in Portland. And definitely don't welcome Brunswick residents into your lives, because they tolerate you less than you could ever imagine.


Samir Sheth '12