Congress plans for next semester, December 1, 2000
Some of the major successful changes have included the promotion and financing of non-credit courses such as bartending and public speaking, the expansion of the hours of the Hawthorne-Longfellow Library, and the notification to the Bowdoin community of changes in parking policies in Brunswick.
The Student Government has also initiated the Student Matters Committee, with the hope of encouraging students and faculty to voice their opinions about campus issues.
Faculty approves Thanksgiving, April 6, 2001
After significant debate, the faculty voted at Monday's faculty meeting to pass the Recording Committee's Thanksgiving break proposal. Beginning in the fall, the Wednesday before Thanksgiving will be added to the vacation. Scheduling alternatives to compensate for the extra day will be further explored.
Convienence shuttle replaced by taxi service, March 29, 2002
Brunswick Taxi will take over the convenience shuttle duties beginning this weekend and continuing for the rest of the month. This service is fully subsidized by Student Government and will be functioning on Friday and Saturday nights from 9:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m.
BSG plans to insall new washing machines in 2003, May 2, 2003
A BSG initiative dubbed the "One Card System" which would allow students to accomplish a wider range of commonplace tasks with their ID cards, has begun to take form with the plans for new washing machines in 2003. Spot polls of students showed an enthusiastic response to the idea.
BSG expands newspaper service, October 29, 2004
In an effort to increase student awareness of the world outside Bowdoin, the Bowdoin Student Government (BSG) recently increased the variety and number of newspapers made available each day. In addition to The Boston Globe and The New York Times, Bowdoin students now have access to USA Today, the local The Times Record, and The Financial Times.
Fitness center will stay open late; BSG says it will foot the bill, February 25, 2005
BSG passed a proposal Tuesday to extend the hours of the Watson Fitness Center to midnight from its current closing time of 10:00 p.m. Sunday through Thursday. After reviewing over 400 survey responses, 95 percent of which were affirmative, BSG approved the budget to extend the center's hours.
BSG passes confidentiality measure on club rosters, October 27, 2006
Witkin maintained that SOOC needed rosters from all clubs in order to "provide names behind the numbers" and to "provide clarification and proof that actual people are in the clubs." BSG representatives agreed, adding that the idea was not radical and that it would benefit BSG to establish such a policy.
BSG tackles advising, approves shuttle in first fall meeting, September 21, 2007
While the advising discussion dominated the meeting, BSG also unanimously approved a pair of proposals outlined by Vice President of Facilities Mike Dooley '10. The first proposal requested $9,000 from BSG to support the Facilities Committee's weekend shuttle service to Freeport and Portland.
BSG approves $3,500 for May, February 29, 2008
BSG approved three funding allocations during its Wednesday night meeting, including a $3,500 "Block Party" on May 2. The group also approved a $100 allocation supporting the upcoming "Exposure" art show and a Facilities Committee request for $600 to bring new television stations to campus.
BSG leadership reflects on this year's agenda, April 24, 2009
The student affairs committee arranged for free massages to be provided for students during finals and reading periods, prepared a booklet about how to cut costs that will be distributed to next year's students, created displays in Smith Union about social life at Bowdoin, and arranged for late-night snacks to be provided during Ivies.