To the Editors:

This esteemed publication's editorial section has recently become the battleground for an intense squabble over the discourse of sex at Bowdoin. After several editions of the flirty and fun "Celebrating Sex" column, one concerned citizen demonstrated his discomfort in celebrating sex, expressing a wish for a frank—and frankly—boring column which "provokes our minds." A later letter also demanded more from our column.

Am I the only one who thinks we deserve far, far less? Bowdoin students don't hold sex in some high esteem. At Bowdoin, like colleges across the country full of hormone-fueled young adults, it is a goal to be reached, like going to dinner or finishing a paper.

If we treat it this way in our daily lives, we shouldn't treat it any differently in our weekly.

Mike Eldridge and Elissa Rodman have failed us by putting sex on a pedestal. Rather then playful tangents on oral and kitchen sex, we should instead be treated to columns of rated lists. In fact, I'd like to see a lot more lists: the hottest people at Bowdoin; positions that could be renamed "The Polar Bear"; or a guide for those who are accidentally abstinent and want to remedy it. In fact, since a picture represents a thousand words, please replace your column with pictures.


Aaron Cole '11