Like many of you, I had alumni staying with me during Homecoming Weekend. It was not until afterwards that I realized there really is something to the saying, "You never know what you've got until it's gone." Once I've graduated from Bowdoin, I think I will miss slightly different things than most people. Of all the things here, my guests looked forward to two things: Racer X and Super Snack. And look, I get it: an 80s cover band of sweaty, wig-rocking Bowdoin professors and late-night snacks with million-dollar flashing lights are a little out of the ordinary. But my friends got me thinking about all of the quirkiness Bowdoin offers.

When skimming those student profiles on the Bowdoin Web site (yeah, okay, pretend you don't read those too), I find that pretty much everyone has the same responses to the question: "What quirky or fun thing do you wish you had known before you came to Bowdoin?" Want to guess what the most popular answers are? Too late: Racer X and Super Snack. Well I for one am sick of it. Don't get me wrong, 80s cover band and Dining Service invention, I love you guys. I just think other unique features of Bowdoin need time in the Orient and on the Bowdoin Web site. After many crumpled pieces of paper, a box of Kleenex, and a few holes in my wall, I narrowed my list of underdog Bowdoin quirks down to five.

Pat from Moulton. I would argue her friendly face is just as recognizable as the Polar Bear statue. Well, except for people who only eat at Thorne. There are only two explanations for your kind: either you have no soul, or you believe going to breakfast in slippers is the greatest luxury afforded to man. You know who you are. But I digress. Pat, you are the sunshine of everyone's day and a face I would like to see when I return for Homecoming. I like to think she has worked here since the 60s and still can remember everyone's name.

Comment Cards. What other school not only takes all of your suggestions, but personally responds to every request? Whether it's a concern over how well-done the London Broil is, or even if you are that guy who wrote the comment CORN BEEF HASH in all caps, they respond. (Just a side note, Mr. CORN BEEF HASH, I think we should meet. Not only do we share a love of corn beef hash, but we also have very similar writing styles.) And even better, all the responses are written by a different Pat than the one mentioned above! Crazy! They should fight crime together. I plan on writing a year's worth of comment cards when I return for Homecoming.

The Student Digest. Other colleges might have similar message boards, but only at Bowdoin can you become a campus star solely by posting every day without fail. Caitlin C. Clerkin, I'm talking about you. I don't know you, but I know you. You are Bowdoin College's sistah from another mistah. You rock; don't ever change. I believe the Student Digest can also bring out the best in the Bowdoin community. About a month ago, a woman posted that she needed an Arizona state quarter to complete her father's collection. Of course, I dug through my change drawer, thinking, "Mariscal, you are a real gem. Look at you, shifting through change for a stranger. By the way, your hair looks great today."

I was enraged when I found out multiple people responded—Arizona state quarters in hand—before me. It took a while, but I finally deleted the angry e-mails to that kind, kind woman from my draft box. Also, because a ton of people read the Student Digest, for some it is just as important to be witty as it is to actually find their missing clothing item.

Home Recipe Night at the dining halls. This is by far my favorite meal of the year. On Parents Weekend, parents are asked to write down their child's favorite recipe and after careful consideration, Dining Service creates a menu featuring those home recipes. This night screams quirky and fun. The only phenomenon more quirky and fun is watching the faces of the students whose family recipes are on display when you give them a high-five for some great salmon cakes.

Randy Nichols. Enough said.

There you go. Five quirky and fun things I wish I had known before I came to Bowdoin and am very happy I know now. Although I've heard the College lost some traditions when the College House System replaced fraternities, Bowdoin—and specifically Dining Service—has done its part to make this girl happy. And two years from now, you'll be seeing me with Pat and Randy while I am filling out my "Home Recipe Night is awesome" comment card, chatting about whatever became of Caitlin C. Clerkin.

Daisy Mariscal is a member of the Class of 2011.