Frontier Café, Cinema, and Gallery, in collaboration with Business Council for Peace, a New York City-based non-profit known as Bpeace, is hosting several fundraising events this weekend that are quite fitting for the anniversary of September 11.
Tonight Frontier will show "Thread," a short film by Laurie Chock that documents five Afghani women who earn a living, and some much-needed independence, through their needlework. It is a story of economic and personal empowerment.
Also tonight, Middle Eastern music ensemble Okbari will perform live at Frontier. Their songs derive from a variety of musical traditions, including Turkish, Armenian, Arabic and Greek.
Saturday Frontier will sponsor Pedal for Peace, the first annual bike ride for women entrepreneurs in countries emerging from war. The ride aims to raise $20,000 for BPeace's efforts in Afghanistan and Rwanda, which intend to prevent or lessen conflict by creating jobs. Individuals and organizations participate by either cycling around Brunswick on a choice of two courses, 25 or 50 mile, or donating to Bpeace.
Tonight "Thread" plays at 7 p.m. at Frontier Café, located at Fort Andross, and Okbari performs at 8:30 p.m. Registration for Pedal for Peace begins Saturday at 8 a.m., and the ride begins at 8:30 a.m.