If you could only listen to one album for the rest of your life, what would it be?

AP: I hardly ever like every single song on an album, but in the case of The Beatles' "Revolver," I was satisfied start to finish.

KK: At the risk of becoming melancholic: "Boxer," by The National.

Favorite song to privately dance/rock out to?

AP: "Tragedy" by the Bee Gees. There's a great karaoke version of it on YouTube that has helped me memorize the lyrics.

KK: CSS' "Move."

If you were in a band, what would it be called and what kind of music would you play?

AP: I can't imagine myself in a band, but since I have to answer, I'd sure love it if my hypothetical band could rival Racer X.

KK: We'd be called the Frenchies, and we'd play indie pop that hinges on dance and electronica.

Theme song during Ivies?

AP: If I were on campus, maybe "Bicycle Race" by Queen. But since I'll be at a track meet, "Eye Of The Tiger" by Survivor.

KK: The Teenagers' "Homecoming."

If you could meet any musician, dead or alive, who would it be and why?

AP: I would like to meet the members of ABBA so that I could ask them what the hell they were thinking.

KK: I'd love to talk with Daft Punk...without their helmets!

Best new music you've heard lately?

AP: MGMT, specifically the song "Electric Feel."

KK: Cut Copy's "In Ghost Colours" has fantastic dance beats. Right now I'm also loving Empire of the Sun, as well as the Black Ghosts, Passion Pit, and Glasvegas.

If you could time travel back to any musical period, where would you go and why?

AP: I went through a huge '80s pop music phase when I was 17, so I think I'd like to visit the '80s.

KK: The mid-'70s glam rock scene in London would be a hoot. Platform boots and glitter makeup never looked so good. Plus, Bowie was in his prime.

Bands/musicans who have most influenced your musical taste?

AP: Red Hot Chili Peppers, Coldplay, Guster, Dave Matthews Band, Joni Mitchell, The Beatles, and Colin Hay.

KK: Bloc Party, Wolf Parade, Modest Mouse, The New Pornographers, Arcade Fire, Sufjan Stevens, Rogue Wave, Silversun Pickups, and Stars.

"Playing What We're Thinking and Writing About in Music 131" with Alison and Kate airs Wednesdays from 11:30 am-1 pm. on WBOR 91.1 FM.

-Compiled by Carolyn Williams