This just in: We are in a recession. Shocking, I know, but the government says it is official now and this announcement has coincided with the equally startling revelation that Obama is a closet conservative. By concealing his true political orientation Obama was able to infiltrate the Democratic Party and earn the support of powerful leftists.
Knowing that he did not have to keep any election promises gave Obama the freedom to receive money from any and all interests. Sarah Palin said Obama was "palling around with terrorists," no dummy, he was spying! Now that he has usurped the presidency he will anchor the country firmly to the middle and if the far lefters don't like it, tough. He's your only viable option for 2012. It may be upsetting for Democrats to learn this about their candidate but, I can assure it's probably not true. However, if I were an Obamanite I would be pulling my hair out right now!
What is true is that Obama's cabinet harkens one back to Abraham Lincoln's team of rivals and just like honest Abe's advisors, this group of differed interests will be charged with the task of leading a divided nation. His economic advisors seem growth oriented and he has acknowledged the necessity of conferring with military commanders regarding troop withdrawal from Iraq.
While several of his appointments are questionable, Obama has exhibited more centrist behavior than any Republican could have hoped for. Although I have been a critic of the president-elect I must give credit where credit is due. Finally I have seen some change I can believe in.
However, Obama's team does have some weak links. One of Obama's earliest appointments was Eric Holder as Attorney General. Anyone familiar with Bill Clinton's final days in office knows that Holder was the Deputy Attorney General and Clinton's yes-man for several controversial pardons. In a shocking display of pre-9/11 thinking Holder somehow found nothing wrong in advising Clinton to pardon several of the FALN terrorists who carried out bombings in New York City and the treasonous mega-criminal Marc Rich. Both of these actions were carried out for political reasons and Eric Holder is representative of the same old mainstream Washington BS that Obama ran against.
And then there is the often criticized but, always savvy Hill-dog. As an outsider looking in on the Democratic primary I assumed Democrats choose Barack over Hillary because of their differences in foreign policy. But now, a candidate who was elected with much support from the anti-war zealots has adopted the pro-war foreign policy of his rival by appointing Sen. Clinton as secretary of state. What's next, John McCain as economic advisor? I never thought I would find myself rooting for Hillary, however, she is experienced and savvy. I hope she can win more than a few battles with the president.
Another admirable move was to keep Robert Gates on board. The current defense secretary and surge supporter has commanded the most successful operations in the war and as the old adage goes, never change horses mid-stream. This is especially true when that horse is leading you to a successful victory.
In a recent press conference Obama said he would be sticking with his 16-month plan but did not rule out residual forces or compromise with the military commanders. The president-elect is poised to preside over a successful end to Operation Iraqi Freedom and he would be foolish to hastily withdraw and risk creating further instability in the area. His great legacy may indeed depend on the successful conclusion of this war.
The appointment I most respect is that of James Jones, a former Marine General and NATO commander, as national security advisor. When it was rumored that Jones might be vetted as Obama's vice president, Jones' promptly held a joint press conference with McCain to dispel any such rumors. Jones will be the conservative voice in Obama's national security policy, and his experience will prove invaluable. I feel safer already.
Although moderate cabinet appointments may soothe some Republican woes, conservatives and Obama supporters alike should not overlook the multitude of recycled Clinton advisors now employed by Obama. Here's a short list; Rahm Emanuel, Larry Summers, Robert Reich, William Daley, Eric Holder, Laura D'Andrea Tyson and of course Mrs. Clinton. Hmm, where's the change?
Throughout his career Obama has portrayed himself in the most politically expedient way. When he didn't vote "present" he rarely went against his own party. Through the deep pockets of his favorite lobbyists and private donors Obama propelled himself into the limelight and now that its time to make decisions of great consequence he must not yield to those interests that are not America's interests. The true intentions of the president-elect remain unknown. However, if his cabinet selections are any indication of the way he will govern, than there might just be some hope after all.
Steve Robinson is a member of the Class of 2011.