What song, artist, or album got you into music?

VJ: To pick one out of the many, I'll say Fiona Apple's Tidal.

What's the best concert you've ever seen?

VJ: Tie between Wilco in Portland and Les Nubians in New York City.

What have you been listening to lately?

VJ: Loretta Lynn, Ryan Adams (Heartbreaker), Paul Simon, PJ Harvey, Kings of Leon, Lucero, and Otis Redding.

Favorite artist?

VJ: That's a tough one...let's go with some Memphis-related artists?Johnny Cash and Al Green.

Favorite album?

VJ: Lucero?Lucero. The first album from Memphis's best alt-country/punk band.

Favorite Beatles song?

VJ: "Eleanor Rigby," although I heard "Got to Get You Into My Life" recently and that horns section sounded pretty hot...

Jaynes's show, "Throw a Little Soul In It: Music from Memphis," can be heard Monday mornings from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on WBOR 91.1 FM.