For students already wounded by not getting into their top-choice classes, yesterday?s Phase II registration served them a healthy portion of salt. The inefficiencies of Phase II registration become immediately evident upon taking one?s place at the back of the line snaking through Moulton Union beginning at sunrise. With only a few beleaguered employees to assist the masses of students with finding new courses, students often find themselves spending more than an hour in line to complete a process that ought to take no more than a few minutes. For other students who are unable to complete Phase II in the morning because of class schedules, the situation is even bleaker?course selection possibilities are significantly decreased by lunchtime.

While we look forward to the College?s implementation of the new online course registration system, these much anticipated improvements to the Phase I registration process will not fix the current problems with Phase II. There are a number of ways to make Phase II less stressful for students, some of which are more complicated and costly than others. However, a simple and effective approach would be to hire more staff for the overflow so characteristic of Phase II. By increasing the rate at which students can be helped in a timely manner, the College will decrease the number who go home disappointed.