To the Editors:

In response to the article in last week's Orient by Ahmad Hassan Muhammad titled "Taking another Look at Common Good Day" (September 28), I wholeheartedly concur. I have worked here at Bowdoin for the past three years, and I have noticed, especially this year, that most students don't even acknowledge your "hello" or "good morning." I attribute it to more use of iPods, and many students would rather look at the ground than make eye contact with someone walking towards them. I am probably old-fashioned in that I enjoy people who smile and say hello in passing. I'm not looking for conversation?even a nod of the head would be appreciated.

In years past, from other articles I've read in the Orient, there was actually something called the "Bowdoin hello"?everyone did it. I find it sad that we are so wrapped up in ourselves and technology that people find it hard to share anything of themselves anymore?even a simple "hi" to someone you are passing who has helped you in the past. As a member of the Support Staff Advocacy Committee, I know that staff members of housekeeping, dining, and other departments certainly would appreciate your extending the kindness of a few words now and again. Bowdoin is a community; please, let us all try to make it feel that way again. Bring the "Common Good" feeling back to campus with you and share it.


Leslie Hill

Health Services