The nor'easter that blew through Brunswick on Monday left Mayflower residents in the dark. Power was restored to Mayflower Apartments Thursday afternoon after three days without electricity.

At 1:22 p.m. on Monday, a student reported that the power had gone out and that a tree had fallen. According to Director Safety and Security Randy Nichols, Security was "down there immediately" to asses the situation. Although the tree broke a wire support at the top of the pole, the wire never touched the ground. The power lines were de-energized so that they were not a safety hazard.

Director of Residential Life Kim Pacelli said students coped well with the situation.

"Students have been remarkably patient, good humored, and calm regarding the power outage," Pacelli wrote in an e-mail.

Emily Remillard '07, head residential assistant at Mayflower, said that most residents "slept at home, but stayed at the library or with friends really late."

During the outage, the Office of Residential Life took a number of steps to accommodate residents. Generators were set up to provide the apartments with hot water and heat.

The office also provided students with industrial-sized flashlights and glow sticks to make up for the lack of light in the apartments. In addition, affected students were given 24-hour keycard access to Reed House and Chamberlain to shower, charge electronic devices, and cook.

"Facilities very quickly got a generator set up to keep the heat and hot water up and running, which obviously makes it much easier and more comfortable to stick it out," Pacelli said.

The efforts made by Residential Life to help students did not go unnoticed.

"The College did a pretty good job of making everyone happy," said Mayflower resident Nick Crawford '09.

In addition to the power outage at Mayflower, the Department and Safety and Security responded to incidents caused by falling limbs and trees.

According to Security, the high winds also knocked down a tree in the parking lot behind Russwurm house, causing damage to a student's car.

A car in the Farley Field House parking lot was also damaged by falling limbs.