Dean for Academic Affairs Cristle Collins Judd told Bowdoin Student Government (BSG) that her office is currently "invisible" to the student body. She wants to reverse that trend.

Judd spoke at Wednesday's BSG meeting to elaborate on her goal of making her office more visible.

Burgess LePage '07, BSG's vice president of academic affairs, said the meeting was "a good way to make the connection between the BSG and academic affairs."

Judd discussed her goals for the upcoming year, which include establishing a student advisory board to meet monthly to discuss academic affairs.

She also hopes to pursue how to support faculty in their lives as both researches and teachers.

Other issues Judd outlined include breaking down barriers between the classroom and rest of life on campus, improving the academic advising system and increasing the role of the arts at the College.

Judd also briefly explained her take on the new distribution requirements, which come into effect for the class of 2010. She described the requirements as the 21st-century version of the Offer of the College realized.

BSG President DeRay Mckesson said that Judd "sparked BSG interest in a way that calls for sustained discussion," and listed the Credit/D/Fail option and the new distribution requirements as issues to be reconsidered in the future.

Dustin Brooks, vice president of student government affairs, said that a priority of BSG is to figure out how the student government and the academic side of Bowdoin can better work together.

He believes that there is sufficient support on both sides to begin to bridge the gap between the two.

Brooks said the meeting was successful, and "provided a general literacy about the world of academic affairs so we can find out what issues to pursue in the future."