Bowdoin Student Government voted on Wednesday to approve the taking of "Polar Pix" this Parents Weekend. Bowdoin parents will now have the opportunity to have pictures taken with their son or daughter and the polar bear mascot.

The photo souvenirs will be Polaroid pictures decorated with stickers. Pictures will be taken all day Saturday at the sports games at Farley Fields and at the football game at Whittier Field.

In the past, the BSG has not been involved with Parents Weekend activities.

"This is the first time we've specifically programmed for Parents Weekend," said Dustin Brooks, vice president of student government affairs.

"Student government hasn't typically done things for parents in the past," added Carolyn Chu, vice president of student affairs.

The "Polar Pix" will be free for all families.

"We just waned to do something nice for students and parents," said Chu. "This gives the parents something to take away from Bowdoin."

BSG's Student Organization Oversight Committee's policy on club leadership structure was also discussed on Wednesday. The newly formed Bowdoin organization Bowdoin Men Against Sexual Violence (BMASV) has proposed a leadership council that is self-elected as opposed to voted on.

"Typically, Bowdoin clubs have two or three voted leaders," said Stephanie Witkin, vice president of student organizations. "BMASV didn't want to have any kind of voting system."

Witkin explained that the new club has proposed the self-election process because it promotes an equal share of power.

The club hopes that self-election will allow members to become more personally invested and involved in the student awareness group.

The issue of leadership policy regarding club organizations will continue to be discussed in upcoming BSG meetings.