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Thetis Fourli
Photographer — Class of
Number of articles:
First Article:
September 13, 2024
Latest Article:
September 20, 2024
12 photos by Thetis Fourli
Thetis FourliENERGY AND EQUITY: Katie Auth ’08 addresses the crowd in the Roux Lantern. Auth discussed clean energy in both the U.S. and on an international scale and how “energy poverty” can exacerbate global inequalities.
Thetis FourliPICTURE THIS: Ogawa Kazumasa’s photography, according to Dr. Karen Fraser, was designed to project both an antiquated feudal Japan and their modernized military strength to the international community.
Thetis FourliLET IT GROW: Students expanded their knowledge of natural dyes through workshops that combined fabric arts and education on flower dye.
Thetis FourliA CREATIVE COUP: Anne Goodyear and Casey Braun present the history, political significance and life of Yllanes’ burlap mural. The unique material of the mural allows it to be transported, giving its messaging a greater reach.
Thetis FourliPOUR ONE OUT: Joshua’s Restaurant and Tavern is closing next Saturday, September 28. The Maine Street tavern has served food and drinks to Bowdoin students and the Brunswick community for almost 34 years and was known as a social hub for its reguarly scheduled live entertainment.
Thetis FourliFORKLIFT FOR THE FUTURE: A group of construction vehicles sit idle as crews continue to replace sidewalks on Maine Street, causing concern for Brunswick businesses trying to attract customers.
Thetis FourliUNCOVERING MONSTERS Arctic Museum Curator Genevieve LeMoine displays Inuit mythology reaching from the 19th century to modern times. As history, culture and law have changed, so too have the materials used to depict these monsters, from ivory and sperm whale teeth to antlers.
Thetis FourliAND I'LL RISE UP: In its seventh year of producing RISE, fEMPOWER continues to reimagine its programming and its mission to showcase the otherwise often untold stories of women on campus to the broader Bowdoin community.
Rubin talks about his perspective of the Israel-Palestine conflict in Smith Auditorium. The SJP sit-in was occurring simultaneously outside the auditorium and at times could be heard from the auditorium.
Students participating in the SJP-led sit-in organized in response to Dr. Michael Rubin’s talk sit in the hallways of Sills Hall. Roughly 150 students participated.
Thetis FourliGHOST WRITER:
Jamel Brinkley prepares to read from his work. His reading was held in the Faculty Room of Massachusetts Hall.
Professor of Music Vin Shende poses in the Gibson Salon. Shende currently chairs the Music department.
Last Friday, Brunswick’s Maine Street bustled with creativity as art stands dappled its sidewalks. A multitude of artists from Maine put their art up for sale for the fourth and final ArtWalk organized by the Brunswick Downtown Association. The Brunswick …
As new Bowdoin students slowly settle into academic and social rhythms, the centerpiece of students’ introductions to Bowdoin—orientation trips—has started to fade into the background. Even so, many students going back decades frequently reminisce about their wild, hilarious or awe-inspiring …