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Talia Traskos-Hart

Staff Writer — Class of 2025

Number of articles: 41

First Article: October 20, 2023

Latest Article: February 2, 2024

Talk of the Quad

Impressions of insects

I believed there were ladybugs crawling around my room. They turned out not to be.

Instead, they were Asian lady beetles (“Harmonia axyridis”). Common on campus in the fall and winter months, Asian lady beetles collect around windows and doors …

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Suppose a Sentence

Escaping a riptide

“And I’m starting to see how as time gains momentum my choices will narrow and their foreclosures multiply exponentially until I arrive at some point on some branch of all life’s sumptuous branching complexity at which I am finally locked

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Suppose a Sentence

You goose!

“Once she turned on me in apparent fury and shouted, ‘You goose!’ and then, before I had time to burst into tears, added in an explanatory tone, ‘That’s a metaphor.’” – May Sarton, “I Knew a Phoenix”

At the Shady …

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