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Sophie Burchell

Staff Writer — Class of 2023

Number of articles: 41

First Article: October 25, 2019

Latest Article: September 10, 2020

Multiracial students showcase identities

“What are you?”

For many members of the Multiracial Student Union (MRSU), this question is a frequent probe into their racial or ethnic makeup. In a portrait series project debuting today in the Lamarche Gallery, members of MRSU answer this …

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Intergroup dialogue sparks conversation on campus

Every Monday night for the past five weeks, 16 members of the Intergroup Dialogue (IGD) on race gathered at 30 College Street. Through dialogue, rather than debate, participants aim for honest understanding across racial identities.

Facilitated by Director of Religious …

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Mandel embraces artistic contradictions

Through the mechanized movement of light, projections and objects, artist and University of Massachusetts at Amherst Assistant Professor of Art Robin Mandel creates dynamic sculptures that explore the power of repetition. In a talk last Wednesday, “In Rotation: From Motion …

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