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Rene Cisneros

Op-ed contributor — Class of 2023

Number of articles: 7

First Article: May 1, 2020

Latest Article: April 22, 2022

A World to Come

What does it mean to write?

What will seem like illegible rambling will, hopefully, embody some of the turbulent currents hidden underneath language. Like any good free-write session, its prose will upset the preconceptions about language that are ingrained in us since our first experiments with …

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A World to Come

On the V-word: there will be two wars

Frantz Fanon wrote “Concerning Violence,” the opening chapter to his final book, “Wretched of the Earth,” in 1961 against the backdrop of the Algerian War of Independence. What Fanon invoked against the cacophony of overlapping voices—endless unique hermeneutics of the …

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OPINION: Obsession with perfection

This is my response to both the article titled “Progressives, do not let the perfect be the enemy of the good,” and to the ways that Bowdoin students talk about “progressive voters.”

What do you mean by “progressives?” Do you …

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