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3 photos by Miles Brautigam
Miles Brautigam TABLE TALK:
On weekday nights in the dining halls on campus, students, professors and the occasional child or town resident convene for an hour or two in order to practice a foreign language. Miles Brautigam TABLE TALK:
On weekday nights in the dining halls on campus, students, professors and the occasional child or town resident convene for an hour or two in order to practice a foreign language. Miles Brautigam TABLE TALK:
On weekday nights in the dining halls on campus, students, professors and the occasional child or town resident convene for an hour or two in order to practice a foreign language.
By Miles Brautigam • February 9, 2018
If I had a dollar for every time I heard a complaint about hookup culture, I would have at least enough to buy dinner for two. As I fantasize about wine and candlelight, I wonder what has become of dating. …
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