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Meghan Parsons
Photographer — Class of
Number of articles:
First Article:
April 14, 2017
Latest Article:
September 7, 2018
5 photos by Meghan Parsons
Wheelwright spoke to a full room of Brunswick Community members at the Curtis Memorial Library on Wednesday evening. He explained the inspiration behind "the Naturalist's Notebook," told several anecdotes and concluded the evening's event with a reading.
Members of the Bowdoin community gathered in the Museum of Art on Tuesday evening for the opening reception of “Why Draw? 500 Years of Drawings and Watercolor.” The exhibition will be on display until September 3rd, 2017.
Meghan Parsons
Tai, who is Korean, Shoshone and Mexican, is looking to expanding his menu into fusion foods, like the popular Korean-Mexican bulgogi tacos that are so popular in California.
Meghan Parsons
Though he’s worked at brick-and-mortar restaurants before, Tai enjoys the flexibility of the food truck lifestyle. He has two young children, and Taco the Town allows him to spend more time with them outside.
Growing up, my anxiety was like a cloud. Always there, mostly invisible to others, making everything a little bit more grey. For many years, I thought that everyone had one. I had always been taught that my brain was my …
Taco the Town is officially back from its winter hiatus. This food truck, run by Chef Tai Choo and his crew, is a unique addition to Brunswick’s culinary scene. Choo grew up eating from San Francisco taco trucks and brought …