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Lily Weafer
Photographer — Class of
8 photos by Lily Weafer
Lily Weafer
Mr. Tuna’s food truck, stationed at the Brunswick Mall.
Lily Weafer
Mr. Tuna’s food truck, stationed at the Brunswick Mall.
Lily WeaferYou're in!
The acceptance rate increased slightly to 8.8 percent for the Class of 2025.
Lily WeaferYou're in!
The acceptance rate increased slightly to 8.8 percent for the Class of 2025.
Lily Weaferstill stowe-ing students:
Stowe Inn, which is currently being used as quarantine housing, was originally slated for decommission last summer.
Lily Weaferstill stowe-ing students:
Stowe Inn, which is currently being used as quarantine housing, was originally slated for decommission last summer.
Lily Weafermixing it up:
Quinby House. Current College House members are able to reapply for next year, meaning that Houses will contain multiple class years.
Lily Weafermixing it up:
Quinby House. Current College House members are able to reapply for next year, meaning that Houses will contain multiple class years.