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Lily Randall
Orient Staff — Class of
Number of articles:
First Article:
April 9, 2021
Latest Article:
April 15, 2022
4 photos by Lily Randall
Rocking their medley of jazz influences, Melt bandmembers Veronica Stewart-Frommer, Eric Gabriel, Marlo Shankweiler and Lucas Saur performed on Osher Quad on Sunday.
Rocking their medley of jazz influences, Melt bandmembers Veronica Stewart-Frommer, Eric Gabriel, Marlo Shankweiler and Lucas Saur performed on Osher Quad on Sunday.
Lily RandallFUN AND GAMES:
Students explore booths at the first annual Sex Fest in Smith Union. The event, run by Peer Health, took place on last Saturday helped students learn about and engage with sexual health in an uncommon way.
Lily RandallFUN AND GAMES:
Students explore booths at the first annual Sex Fest in Smith Union. The event, run by Peer Health, took place on last Saturday helped students learn about and engage with sexual health in an uncommon way.
What’s the best remedy for the Sunday scaries? While some swear by ibuprofen and water, Melt, a New York-based band, offered Bowdoin’s campus a unique Sunday remedy this past weekend: high energy, indie-funk pop songs about falling in and out …
With fake cigarettes in-hand, New York accents engaged and full-body vagina costumes donned, seniors Gita Kant and Lola Motley took the stage last fall in a sketch about sexual health before an overflowing Kresge Auditorium. After almost two years of …
They say you never forget your first (-year roommate). For Wilder Short ’22, Brett Thomas ’22, Josh Lin ’22 and David Bombard ’22, this is especially true. What began as a standard first-year roommate assignment has grown into four years …
On May 3, Eva Dowd ’22 posted a one-question poll to her Instagram story: ‘If you’re a woman, would you be interested in a club soccer team at Bowdoin?’ The response was overwhelming—with over 60 interested students and a host …
Just over a month ago, Emilie Grand’Pierre ’23, boasting citizenship in both the United States and Haiti, represented her home country of Haiti at the 2020 Tokyo Summer Olympics. She competed in the 100-meter breaststroke, winning her heat with a …
Between adapting to new Title IX rules from Trump-era Department of Education reforms and finding ways to reach and work with students during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Office of Gender Violence Prevention and Education (OGVPE) has faced a novel academic …
The release of the Summer Campus Community Agreement this week painted a clear picture of what life on campus will look like for students who sign it, and it is a picture that strongly resembles this past semester at the …
On March 4, President Clayton Rose announced that the College will offer on-campus housing for students pursuing summer employment and research. Last summer, few students were offered on-campus housing due to COVID-19 restrictions.
Mariah Reading ’16, an eco-artist and professional naturalist who cycles through homes and jobs with the seasons, embodies Bowdoin’s interdisciplinary teaching between work and her art. Preserving parklands in the summer and finding work in the winter, Reading’s seasonal lifestyle …