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Lillian Frank
Creative Director — Class of
11 photos by Lillian Frank
Lillian FrankSKI IN, SKI ON: Bowdoin Ski and Ride presents screening of “Beyond the Fantasy” to build excitement for the upcoming ski season.
Lillian FrankNEW ANGLES ON NEW ENGLAND: Professor Caylin Carbonell sits in her office. Carbonell grew up in New England and previously taught at Elon University before coming to Bowdoin College.
Lillian FrankA PLAN FOR PLAN B: The vending machine in the Health Center now includes Plan B emergency contraception. This is part of a broader initiative by the Bowdoin Reproductive Justice Coalition to increase free and anonymous access to reproductive healthcare on campus and beyond.
Lillian FrankCONNECTED HISTORY: Andrea Achi highlights the lines of history and art braided between the premodern and medieval world.
Lillian FrankLESSONS OF LIFE: As "We've Seen it All" comes to an end, five Brunswick community members reflect on formative experiences and lifelong memories.