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Joy Wang
Photographer — Class of
10 photos by Joy Wang
Joy WangHEATING UP Students crowd a DJ during WBOR's Boiler Room. The event was the first of its kind at Bowdoin and served as an informal kickoff to Ivies weekend, featuring four DJs, each of which brought a new sound to the space.
Joy WangBUSTED BY BPD: Bolos Kitchen and Bar stands on Dunlap street ready for business. Twenty-four Bowdoin student have recently been cited for charges including consuming alcohol as a minor, presenting fake forms of identification and disorderly conduct.
Joy WangA WAFFLE LOT BETTER: A waffle maker featuring the Bowdoin sun sits on the counter in Thorne Hall. Make-your-own waffles have recently been featured at breakfast seven days a week at Thorne, previously only appearing at weekend brunch at Moulton Union.
Joy WangLEGACY OF WWII: Brandt speaks to the crowd in the Visual Arts Center Beam Classroom on the “Hiroshima Maidens,” a U.S. surgical project for 25 Japanese women in the wake of World War II. She discussed the importance of post-war diplomacy among the American population and is currently writing a book sharing the stories of these women .
Joy WangNO POWER, NO PROBLEM: Fallen branches that have caused damage to power lines are seen in front of Studzinski Hall. Although preparations were made, Security did not expect for conditions to become so drastic. Complications included students being locked out of buildings due to door locks going down with the lack of power.
Joy WangBROKEN BRANCHES: A wood chipper is stationed in front of Ladd as broken branches are disposed of. The campus was without power for three days, and Bowdoin Security adhered to the Incident Action Plan, which involved bringing air mattresses and power cords for use in Smith Union.
Joy WangOPENING CONVERSATION ON RACE: Jennifer Kling and Leland Harper stand at the front of the Beam Classroom in the Visual Arts Center. Together, they wrote a book on redefining how we think about conversations on race in the U.S.
Joy WangKEEPING IT SURREAL: Writer Mona Awad speaks with students in Hubbard Hall's Shannon Room. Based in Boston, Awad has authored four books and is an assistant professor of creative writing at Syracuse University.
Joy WangUNDO THE HATE: Professor Daniel Stone discusses his new book, “Undue Hate,” in H-L. The book discusses how affective polarization remains a problem in the country, and how intellectual humility is a better approach to a difference in opinion.
Joy WangLOCKED OUT: A OneCard lock is set to unlocked at Hawthorne Longfellow (H-L) Library. Under the new lock schedule, H-L and other public-facing buildings will now only be accessible to people with a OneCard after 5 p.m.