Gideon Moore, Drew MacDonaldTaking a seat
Data from the Office of the Registrar shows the percent of classes offered by each department that reached or exceeded capacity over the last three semesters. On the more competitive side, the computer science department has filled more than half of its courses—a stark contrast to the six departments that haven’t filled a class in the last year and a half. While computer science acknowledges over-enrollment as a problem hindering the department, others feel it is not an issue as long as they are addressing the needs of their majors.
Gideon Moore
Of the near $4000 raised by the Bowdoin community, approximately $1750 will be going to ConPRmetidos and Oxfam Mexico each, while $400 from the Lift-a-Thon will be going to Unidos por Puerto Rico.
Gideon Moore
Bowdoin places its carbon emissions into three scopes. Scope 1 emissions are the byproduct of onsite energy production; Scope 2 emissions are the result of electricity purchased by the college; Scope 3 emissions are constituted of travel, employee commutes, waste disposal and loss of electricity through transmission lines. Bowdoin has reduced its greenhouse gas emissions by 24 percent and reduced its own-source emissions 19 percent since 2008.
This past week, the Orient sent out its semesterly approval ratings survey. The survey was sent to all 1,805 students and yielded 475 responses (26.3 percent). Support for the Brunswick Police Department declined sharply from last year amid controversy over …
The Orient sent out a survey to the student body on Monday evening. It closed yesterday afternoon after yielding 653 responses, totaling 36 percent of the student body. Ninety-five percent of respondents were registered to vote, but only 46 percent …