Tucson, Arizona, is a city confined unlike any other. Geographically bound by mountains in every direction, Tucson is the only major US city without a highway running through it. The city is an asphalt island surrounded …
Do not be alarmed if, when passing Room 213 of the Buck Fitness Center, you hear “MEOW” or “WOOP” coming from behind a closed, pulsating door. These noises are always synchronized with the beat of a new Jennifer Lopez collab …
Bowdoin’s foundation is its history. For centuries the institution was mostly wealthy, mostly white and all male. These students fought on both sides of the Civil War, influenced federal policy, founded colleges—and invested innumerable resources back into their alma mater. …
Eduardo Pazos just moved into his office in 30 College. The walls are mostly bare. The furniture has yet to be worn in. Yet, when he sits down to get interviewed, the standard accouterments lose their stiffness. He speaks slowly, …
Bowdoin’s community came together at Portland City Hall last Friday to protest President Trump’s rescindment of Delayed Action for Childhood Arrivals, known as DACA, an Obama administration executive order which extended rights such as higher education and tax obligation to …
Levi Wark starts and ends his shifts in the Stowe Inn parking lot with his two vans: the Chevy camper he drives to work and Bowdoin Shuttle BSS1 where he will spend the next 10 hours. He drives the College’s …
For this story, we spoke with over 15 students and two administrators to develop an understanding of how class affects lives and is perceived at Bowdoin. Usually when we ask about class, we are really asking about the experiences of …