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Cheng Xing
Photographer — Class of
27 photos by Cheng Xing
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Coordinator Katie Greene is trying to expand the DEI committee’s work to incorporate issues beyond social justice initiatives.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Coordinator Katie Greene is trying to expand the DEI committee’s work to incorporate issues beyond social justice initiatives.
Ajay Olson '23 set a new 200m dash school record of 22.22 seconds.
Ajay Olson '23 set a new 200m dash school record of 22.22 seconds.
Cheng XingMOVING ON:
From H1N1 to COVID-19, Dr. Maher has kept the Bowdoin community safe through multiple pandemics.
Cheng XingRained on the parade:
It wasn't the start to the year anyone imagined.
Cheng XingFull house:
Students isolate in a Freeport hotel.
Cheng XingDinner to go:
Bowdoin staff hand-deliver meals to students in isolation.
Cheng XingNo rest for the weary:
Isolated students still have opportunities to get active.
Students line up on Friday night for student activities' weekly "Friday food truck" offering.
Students line up on Friday night for student activities' weekly "Friday food truck" offering.
Former lacrosse player and co-president of the Athletes of Color Coalition Kendall Rogers '21 has worked tirelessly over the past year to provide input on DEI work to teams, the athletic department and the broader Bowdoin community.
Former lacrosse player and co-president of the Athletes of Color Coalition Kendall Rogers '21 has worked tirelessly over the past year to provide input on DEI work to teams, the athletic department and the broader Bowdoin community.
Assistant Athletic Director for Operations and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Coordinator Katie Greene was hired this past year to help address DEI issues in athletics. The newly formed DEI committee, which she heads, has been instrumental in centering DEI work in the department.
Assistant Athletic Director for Operations and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Coordinator Katie Greene was hired this past year to help address DEI issues in athletics. The newly formed DEI committee, which she heads, has been instrumental in centering DEI work in the department.
Cheng Xinggoing home:
Professor Chryl Laird, who has garnered national media attention for her research on Black political behavior, has accepted an offer to join the faculty at the University of Maryland, her alma mater.
Cheng Xinggoing home:
Professor Chryl Laird, who has garnered national media attention for her research on Black political behavior, has accepted an offer to join the faculty at the University of Maryland, her alma mater.
Cheng Xingpacked up and ready to go:
A staff member packages test samples in Morrell Gym. These vials are then shipped to the Broad Institute in Mass., which has been processing the College's samples throughout the academic year.
Cheng Xingpacked up and ready to go:
A staff member packages test samples in Morrell Gym. These vials are then shipped to the Broad Institute in Mass., which has been processing the College's samples throughout the academic year.
Cheng Xinghome sweet home:
Residents of MacMillan House gather for a game night. The small gatherings permitted among "pod" members this semester are a far cry from the schoolwide events hosted by Houses in normal years.
Cheng Xinghome sweet home:
Residents of MacMillan House gather for a game night. The small gatherings permitted among "pod" members this semester are a far cry from the schoolwide events hosted by Houses in normal years.
Cheng Xingrolling through the spring:
Nia Byrd '21 and Jay Yoon '21 roller skate on campus. As the weather warms, students are gathering safely outside.
Cheng Xingrolling through the spring:
Nia Byrd '21 and Jay Yoon '21 roller skate on campus. As the weather warms, students are gathering safely outside.
Cheng Xingcollecting samples:
A student receives a COVID-19 test in Morrell Gym. Cases are increasing on campus and in Maine.
Cheng Xingcollecting samples:
A student receives a COVID-19 test in Morrell Gym. Cases are increasing on campus and in Maine.